the team

The Fair Tax Foundation have a staff team, a Board of Directors and a Technical Advisory Group that guides the Fair Tax Mark’s standards and criteria. In addition to our core staff, we utilise a much-valued network of contractors to support accounts analysis and communications.

The Fair Tax Foundation are seeking to expand and diversify our Board, as described in our Fair Tax Foundation Board Development Plan (November 2021).

Paul Monaghan – Chief Executive

Paul was a co-founder of the Fair Tax Foundation in 2014, and became Chief Executive in September 2017. Previously, he was architect of much of the UK co-operative movement’s ethical and environmental excellence for nearly two decades. Before that he combined biological sciences research with campaigning on Third World debt and ethical lending.

He led sustainability programmes across the Co-operative Group in areas as diverse as food, banking, insurance, pharmacy, funerals and travel. Contributions included the creation of world-class programmes of environmental management, ethical finance, sustainability reporting and a unique commitment to campaigning and progressive public policy intervention. In 2014, was voted first in Global CEO’s “Top 100 CSR Leaders” poll, and in 2022 was recognised with the Fair Tax Foundation in ITR’s Global Tax 50.

He has previously served as a member of WWF-UK’s Programme Committee, BRE’s Sustainability Board and Accountability’s Council, where he co-chaired their Technical Committee for a number of years. He regularly lectures at various business schools and co-authored the well-received Lobbying for Good. The rise and fall of Wigan Athletic keeps him awake at night.

Contact Paul on +44 (0)161 513 8165

Tom Skinner – Chief Operating Officer

Tom co-founded Greater Manchester Poverty Action (GMPA), and was co-Director and Chief Operating Officer there for five years. During this time, he ran the GM Food Poverty Alliance, managed the Tameside Poverty Truth Commission, developed Money Advice Referral Tools, and oversaw day-to-day operations. He remains on the GMPA board as a non-executive Director.

Before GMPA, he coordinated the GM Living Wage Campaign, and led many other charities and campaign groups, as well as serving for a year as General Secretary of the University of Manchester Students’ Union.

Tom believes we need to address wealth and power inequalities for a better world, and that fair tax systems and practices are foundational to this.

Contact Tom on +44 (0)161 513 7930

Jaime Boswell – Head of Accreditation

Jaime comes from an accounting and taxation background, with professional qualifications and experience in both. Over the past decade, he has worked for a range of accountancy firms – from small family businesses to one of the top 10 accountancy firms – and has experience working with a variety of clients, from small sole traders to big plc corporates.

Jaime believes that every business should be transparent with their reports and taxes, and present them in a way that can be understood by the user.

Contact Jaime on +44 (0)161 513 8149

Greg Yates – Senior Ratings Manager

Greg is a chartered accountant, attaining his qualification at a local accountancy practice in 2011. After a further period in practice, gaining experience in tax, audit and accounts preparation, he more recently completed a stint as group accountant at a manufacturing business.

Greg believes in responsible tax conduct and is enthusiastic about promoting this through his work as part of our accreditation team.

He is a former University of Manchester student, where he studied Maths with Finance – and a keen spectator and follower of most sports, especially Bolton Wanderers.

Contact Greg on +44 (0)161 521 1966


Ocean Lam – Accreditation Officer

Prior to joining the Fair Tax Foundation, Ocean worked as a senior auditor and industry accountant in Hong Kong for a number of leading accounting firms and a listed corporation.

He has provided accounting, auditing and financial report compilation services to a wide range of clients across many industries, including multinational, listed businesses based in Hong Kong and Mainland China.

Ocean believes responsible tax conduct is one of the most important components of corporate social responsibility.

Contact Ocean on +44(0)161 513 8116


Kim Pemberton – Finance and Administration Officer

Kim has gained most of her accounts and administration experience working for SMEs. This allowed her to work in other departments, such as sales and purchasing, to understand the processes involved which could impact her role.

While Kim was a bookkeeper in 2005, a payroll and HR position came up due to retirement. She went to college in the evenings to get her qualifications. Kim considers herself an ‘all-rounder’. Outside work she loves to ride horses competitively.

Contact Kim on +44(0)161 513 8926

Natasha Turner – Acting Head of Communications

Natasha spent nearly a decade in journalism, primarily covering women’s economic and financial news and stories, before moving into communications. Prior to joining the Fair Tax Foundation, she was global editor of ESG Clarity, where she first began to explore fair tax as an element of responsible business practice and engaged many stakeholders at the forefront of ESG reporting, regulation and best practice.

Natasha believes the positive social impact of responsible business tax has the potential to be huge. She also enjoys a good pun and is not averse to being sent satisfying word play via email.

Contact Natasha on +44(0)161 513 7197

The Board of Directors oversees and steers the Fair Tax Foundation’s development. Board members may sometimes work on the scheme on a part-time basis when staff workloads are excessive or a particular expertise is needed.

Rob Harrison – Chair

Rob Harrison is the consultancy manager and a director of Ethical Consumer Research Association (ECRA). Rob was one of three founder directors of ECRA in 1987.

Since that date he has worked as a consultant to NGOs (including Oxfam, Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace) on engaging consumers in their campaigns, as an advisor to government departments (including those in the Belgium, Austria and Brazil) on encouraging the use of ethical consumption and procurement for social and environmental goals, as a consultant to consumer organisations (including groups in Spain and Hungary) on researching the CSR performance of companies, and to companies (including the Co-operative Bank and Lush Cosmetics) on developing world-leading ethical policies and implementing them in practice.

He has also edited and contributed to academic work in this area including ‘The Ethical Consumer’ (Sage, 2005) and ‘Green Building Handbook’ (Routledge, 1997).

He has also been an editor of Ethical Consumer magazine since its inception in 1989. In addition Rob has spoken widely in the press, on radio and on TV, and also to universities and campaign groups around the world on the importance of facilitating ethical consumption.

Chris Harrop OBE

Professor Harrop is a distinguished Sustainability/ESG and Marketing professional with a proven global track record. A Fellow of both the Institute of Directors and the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment, his contributions to responsible business have earned him wide recognition as an ESG leader.

With 22 years at Marshall’s plc as Director of Marketing and Sustainability, Chris also chaired the United Nations Global Compact UK Network for four years and served as a Non-Executive Director of the Ethical Trade Initiative for 10 years until 2020. In 2017, he became Chair of Made in Britain and joined the Fair Tax Foundation board in 2020. He is also a trustee of the Greater Manchester Immigration Aid Unit.

Chris has been honoured with numerous awards, including being rated fifth in Ethical Corporation’s Heroes of Sustainability in 2007, named a Business Game Changer by BITC in 2012, and listed among the Top 100 Modern Slavery Business Influencers in 2018. He was BtB Marketer of the Year in 2018 and appointed OBE in 2019 for his services to preventing modern slavery and exploitation.

In July 2022, Chris was appointed Visiting Professor of Sustainable Business at the University of Huddersfield Business School, specialising in accreditation schemes, net zero, modern slavery, the SDGs, and greenwash.

Harriet Lamb CBE

Harriet Lamb is the Chief Executive Officer of WRAP, the climate action NGO. She previously headed up Fairtrade in both the UK and internationally, and authored Fighting the Banana Wars. The first woman to be made an Honorary Fellow of Trinity Hall, she was appointed a CBE in 2006 and was named Orange Businesswoman of the Year in 2008.

Harriet joined the board in 2021, bringing her vast experience and knowledge in building and bolstering fairness and social justice internationally. As businesses worldwide seek the Fair Tax Mark accreditation to demonstrate their commitment to responsible tax conduct and transparency, her expertise is helping the Fair Tax Foundation expand and thrive beyond the shores of the UK.

Rachel McEwen

Rachel joined SSE in 2007 and, as Director of Sustainability, is responsible for its sustainability strategy, partnership funding and corporate heritage. She is a non-executive director of Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks.

External to SSE, Rachel is Chair of the Business Leadership Group of Living Wage Scotland and is on the board of the Fair Tax Foundation. Formerly Rachel was the Senior Special Adviser and speechwriter to Scotland’s First Minister between 2001 and 2007.

She graduated in 2009 from St Andrews University with a Master of Literature in International Political Thought, with a first degree in 1993 in Applied Economics from the University of Abertay, Dundee.

Christian Hallum

Christian Barrie Hallum co-leads Oxfam’s tax justice work. In this role he supports tax justice work across numerous developing countries as well as helps coordinate Oxfam’s work for fairer international tax standards, responsible corporate tax practices and an end to tax havens. Christian is based in Copenhagen, Denmark – where he has been involved since 2016 in engaging multinational companies and institutional investors on the need for responsible corporate tax practices under the initiative ‘The Tax Dialogue’. He has also been a key driver in the campaign to get Danish municipalities to commit to becoming tax haven free.

Before joining Oxfam, Christian worked with other tax justice NGO’s, including: the Tax Justice Network Africa in Kenya, IBIS in Sierra Leone, and Eurodad in Belgium. He has also worked with the Danish tax administration SKAT as a compliance analyst. He holds a masters’ degree in political science from Aarhus University, and has taken courses in international corporate tax law and transfer pricing at the IBFD and Copenhagen Business School.

The Technical Advisory Group communicates throughout the year and meets as and when needed to help, for example, shape the development of the Fair Tax Mark criteria notes and standards. The Group are drawn from a range of backgrounds and perspectives.

  • Alex Cobham, Chief Executive, Tax Justice Network
  • Paul Gibson, Chartered Accountant, Mazars LLP
  • Euan Grant, Former Inspector, HMRC
  • Jonathan Gray, King’s College London + Public Data Lab
  • Richard Lupson-Darnell, Chartered Tax Advisor
  • Matti Kohonen, Christian Aid
  • Tracey Wilson, Senior Lecturer in Tax and Financial Accounting, Newcastle University
  • Tommaso Faccio, Head of Secretariat, ICRICT


In addition to our core team, we have a contracted network of trained assessors to support corporate accreditation.

Digital support

Blue Ginger help us out with our website design and functionality.

Why get the Fair Tax Mark?

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