Fair Tax Mark in the news

The Fair Tax Mark has got a lot of media attention over the last week. Here is a run down of the highlights.
Fair Tax Mark launched with a bang last Thursday (Feb 20 2014) with a full page piece in the Guardian. The article reported on a roundtable discussion on tax avoidance and the Fair Tax Mark with tax experts from across society representing the views of business, the accounting profession and campaigners (read our blog on the roundtable).
Those debating won over the most critical voices.
Ken Olisa OBE, Corporate director of ThomsonReuters and Chair of Restoration Partners, concluded:
“The idea of tax justice, as a citizen, I find hugely attractive. As a businessman, I find it hugely attractive. The only way we create wealth in society is through businesses and we have to operate in society, so it’s an easy argument.”
Early birds on Thursday would also have heard the Fair Tax Mark being discussed favourably on Radio 5 Live and BBC Breakfast, with the TV coverage being led by Midcounties Co-operative’s Pete Westall.
Unsurprisingly, the Fair Tax Mark was picked up most eagerly by the tax and accounting press, with pieces in Accountancy Age, Economia and International Tax Review. Mike Truman writing for Taxation Magazine said that:
“If I were an independent coffee shop, or independent bookshop, with no skeletons in my closet, I would be looking to pay my fee…and get my FTM as fast as possible…I would then put it prominently in my window and press release it to my local newspaper. You might want to consider whether your clients would feel the same way if you told them about it.”
Fair Tax Mark also featured on several high profile blogs, including that of independent tax journalist, Andrew Goodall, who described our launch day as a potential “turning point in the confused and often heated tax avoidance debate”. Some of that heat and confusion was in evidence during the lively exchange on Mazars tax transparency blog. The debate raged on as the prestigious professional body, the Institute of Chartered Accountants for England & Wales gave unambiguous backing to the scheme.
FTM also found its way into the communications industry and cooperatives trade press, with pieces by Telecompaper and two pieces in the Co-op News see here and here.
The campaign appeared in a range of trade union and public sector publications and organisations, including Public Finance, Union-news and PCS, as well as sustainability groups, such as Blue and Green Tomorrow and Forum for the Future (Green Futures magazine).
The broad coverage reflected the fact that tax is as much about social responsibility, sustainable economies and public accountability as it is about accounting.
But perhaps the most exciting moment was when Fair Tax Mark went international with an endorsement from Taxpayers Australia who called for a similar Mark to be introduced down under.
We couldn’t have hoped for a better start but we now need your support to keep the momentum going.
Visit our support us page to see how you can help spread the word.