Millboard Company and Murray Uniforms secure the Fair Tax Mark

Midlands-based The Millboard Company and Murray Uniforms, owned by The Elmdene Group, have secured their first Fair Tax Mark accreditation, the gold standard of responsible tax conduct.

Manufactured in the UK, Millboard “combines British craftsmanship with the inspiration of nature to create authentic, wood-look decking that can be seen in residential and commercial settings around the world”.Woman working on uniform for Murray Uniforms

With over 100 years’ experience, Murray Uniforms applies “technical expertise on uniform fit and combine it with the Science of Uniform® and insights to design and manufacture the best corporate wear and workwear for their clients”.

Jerry Douglass, CEO of Millboard, said:

“We are thrilled that Millboard and Murray Uniforms have been awarded the Fair Tax Mark in recognition of our principles surrounding taxation and accounting. As market leading businesses supplying globally, we recognise our responsibility to contribute to society by paying our taxes on time and in full.”

Jaime Boswell, Head of Accreditation, Fair Tax Foundation, said:

“We are delighted to announce that Millboard and Murray Uniforms have both achieved the Fair Tax Mark. Both companies have now published their tax policies, which shun artificial and aggressive tax avoidance that isn’t in line with the spirit of the law. The Group’s consolidated accounts now also provide enhanced tax transparency with additional tax disclosures and comprehensive and informative narrative explanations for all the tax adjusting items.”

The Fair Tax Mark is an independent certification, which recognises organisations that demonstrate they are paying the right amount of corporation tax in the right place, at the right time. Businesses carrying the Fair Tax Mark include national brands such as Timpson, Lush, and Richer Sounds, FTSE listed companies including SSE and Marshalls Plc., as well as co-operatives, family businesses and social enterprises.

Take a look at the full list of accredited organisations.