Q&A with Fresh Eyes – People to People travel
We talk to Fresh Eyes – People to People Travel about their Fair Tax Mark
Why did you apply for the Fair Tax Mark?
Fresh Eyes – People to People Travel is committed to just, fair and responsible travel that is transparent and accountable.
Fresh Eyes believes that it is essential for travellers, tour operators, host communities and suppliers, to know who pays what and receives what, throughout the supply chain. This is an essential foundation to fairer and more sustainable travel. Fresh Eyes operates a Just Price policy and works directly with local producers and suppliers to build fair, transparent prices, starting in the host communities.
Fresh Eyes works with social enterprises, cooperatives, local producers and suppliers who are all committed to being transparent about what they receive and pay.
What are the benefits to the business?
A key part of how Fresh Eyes works with travellers is that everyone in the supply chain knows of their commitment to paying taxes fairly and correctly. They are proud to be holders of the Fair Tax Mark as it is a clear expression of the strong sense of solidarity and responsibility to the societies in which they have partnerships. It is an integral part of their commitment to a transparent, fair and accountable supply chain including a clear and visible pricing policy. Fresh Eyes feels that this is an ambitious, honest, clear, creative and transformative part of People to People travel and integral to the Transforming Tourism Agenda , to which they are committed.
How did you find the process?
Andy Rutherford, the founding Director of Fresh Eyes, said: “It has been very important and strengthening for Fresh Eyes – People to People Travel to work through the application process for the Fair Tax Mark. We have improved the communication and visibility of aspects of our finances. We have worked positively with our Accountants, Harris Accountancy Services, to improve the presentation of our accounts and to share better our commitments and values to Fair Tax.
“The Fair Tax Mark Team have been supportive, rigorous and principled. It has been an important privilege for us to work through this process and an honour to be awarded the Fair Tax Mark at the end.”