Q&A with Crunchers South London

Damion Viney, Crunchers South London

Damion Viney, Crunchers South LondonCrunchers South London were the first accountancy practice to achieve the Fair Tax Mark. We talk to their director Damion Viney about why they chose to get the Fair Tax Mark.

What made you apply for the Fair Tax Mark?

As an accountant, I’m highly aware of the importance of taxation. I’d been following the various ethical issues around it for a while, including reading Nicholas Shaxson’s acclaimed book, Treasure Islands, and I had become very concerned. I thought there was a great need for a tax-related equivalent of the Fairtrade Mark: a clear cut way for companies to say they’re doing the right thing and a positive reason for them to do so – the Fair Tax Mark fulfils that need.

What benefits do you see for your business from gaining the Fair Tax Mark?

Differentiation is vital in any sector and that’s very true within accountancy. Being the first certified accountancy practice is a great way to stand out. The tide has turned on what’s acceptable in tax responsibility for businesses. More and more companies are realising that you make more money by focusing on profit creation than tax manipulation. Crunchers South London thinks that by gaining the Mark, it’s making a strong statement in line with what clients want to hear.

What would you say to other small businesses considering gaining the Mark?

Small businesses like us would do well to get behind this scheme and gain the Mark. They’re at a massive disadvantage in the market because they can’t access the same tax avoidance schemes as larger companies. Most small businesses are committed to supporting the local and national economy and the Fair Tax Mark is a way for them to signal this to customers while encouraging a more level playing field.

Crunchers South London’s accreditation announcement won the attention of the accountancy sector! Check out Accountancy Age’s news item here.

Find out more about Crunchers South London at www.crunchers-south-london.co.uk.

Are you a business looking to stand up for a fair economy and stand out from the crowd? Contact us to find out how you can get a Fair Tax Mark today.