UK-based business

As a not-for-profit social enterprise, we need to charge a fee for our assessment and accreditation services. This allows us to cover our costs and grow the Fair Tax Mark.

Our fees have been benchmarked against comparable ethical accreditation schemes.

Annual turnoverFees (+VAT)*
Less than £700k£299
£701k – 10mn£300 – 1,000
£10.1mn – 36mn£1,000 – 3,000
£36mn – 100mn£3,000 – 5,000
£100.1mn – 500mn£5,000 – 7,000
£500mn and above£7,000 – 20,000

* Fee is dictated largely by business income, but with the nature and complexity of a business also being factors

All fees will be discussed with the business before Letters of Engagement are issued.

For business’ with a turnover under £700k, the fee is paid in a single instalment (and covers both assessment and licence). 

For business’ with a turnover over £700k, the fee is split 50/50 between:

  • Assessment, including suggestions for improvement to secure the Mark
  • Accreditation, and the issuance of a licence to use the Mark for one year

So, for example, a business with a turnover of between £10.1 – 36mn would pay £500 – 1,500 for assessment and (if warranted) a further £500 – 1,500 for an annual licence to utilise the Fair Tax Mark.

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