Award-winning journalists, ESG leaders and tax justice experts to speak at first Fair Tax Week events

The Fair Tax Foundation is pleased to open up registration for the first Fair Tax Week webinars, which will bring together accomplished and engaging speakers on a variety of topics related to corporation tax.

Fair Tax Week is a recognition of the businesses and organisations that are proud to promote responsible tax conduct, and a celebration of the positive contribution this makes to society. Fair Tax Week 2023 (8th – 18th June) will see businesses step forward and say what they pay with pride, and Councils declare their support for the economic contribution this makes locally.

The Week will explore the hot topics of the day – be that beneficial ownership disclosure or the need for public procurement reform. We’ll ask what is (and is not) a ‘tax haven’, and how investors could better factor tax into their ESG frameworks.

Please join us and help make Fair Tax Week 2023 the biggest and best yet.


Fair Tax Week webinar graphic with title "What makes a tax haven?" with speaker line-up on the right.


Join our line-up of expert speakers to unpick what really defines a tax haven. Delve into the murky heart of our global economy to find out how Britain became a leading enabler of financial secrecy, why the EU’s tax haven blacklist falls short, and how researchers decide what is (and isn’t) a tax haven. We’ll also reveal the new Fair Tax Mark tax haven list.

The webinar will take place at 12pm BST on 12th June, and is to be chaired by Juliette Garside, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and deputy business editor at the Guardian. Juliette led the Guardian’s work on the Panama Papers and subsequent offshore leaks.

Speakers include:

    • Oliver Bullough, award-winning author and journalist

    • Florencia Lorenzo, Tax Justice Network

    • Paul Monaghan, Fair Tax Foundation

    • Chiara Putaturo, Oxfam EU


Fair Tax Week webinar graphic with title "ESG: Why investors should build a robust approach to responsible tax conduct" with speaker line-up on the right.


This Fair Tax Week webinar will bring together investors and a FTSE listed business to discuss why responsible tax conduct an increasingly important component of ESG considerations. In partnership with ESG Clarity, the webinar will explore tax as a growing metric of good governance and why tax reporting and transparency should be a key issue for investors.

The webinar will take place at 12pm BST on 13th June, and is to be chaired by Natasha Turner, Global Editor of ESG Clarity.

Speakers include:

    • Sebastien Akbik, Analyst, Governance Issues, PRI

    • Jo Holmes, Head of ESG Reporting, Marshalls plc

    • Andrew Harper, Chief Responsibility Officer, Epworth Investment Management


Fair Tax Week webinar on "Tax justice perspectives across Europe" with speaker line up with photos on the right


How can business and civil society in Europe support a fairer, more responsible approach to corporate taxation? Join us at 12pm BST on 14th June for an expert dive into the state of tax justice across the continent. Hear from a Fair Tax Mark accredited business and civil society on what best – and worst – practice tells us about where we go next.

Speakers include:

    • Christian Hjort, Senior Lead Tax Counsel, Ørsted

    • Sigrid Klæboe Jacobsen, CEO, Tax Justice Norge / Tax Justice Norway

    • Lorena Sorrentino, Markets Manager, CSR Europe

    • Christoph Trautvetter, Netzwerk Steuergerechtigkeit / Tax Justice Network, Germany

We’ll be announcing more events soon, and you can find them all together on our Fair Tax Week 2023 page.

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