
Help us build a global community for fair tax

Our mission is to see business everywhere make a fair tax contribution – be they big or small – and to recognise and celebrate the responsible corporations leading the way.

The Fair Tax Foundation launched in 2014 and initially had a focus on the UK. This changed in 2021, when we internationalised our activities with the launch of our Global Multinational Business Standard. We now have Fair Tax Mark certified businesses headquartered in eight countries. However, the UK is still a major focus of our activities, not least as the UK sits at the centre of an international web of tax avoidance facilitators via its crown dependencies (e.g. Jersey) and overseas territories (e.g. British Virgin Islands). In total, some 270 distinct trading businesses are now certified, who between them employ more than 400,000 and contribute more than €6.1bn / £5.3bn / $5.8bn annually in corporate income tax.

Change is possible

We believe that the more businesses that stand up for responsible tax conduct, the more likely legislators are to create better laws, and regulators are more likely to implement those laws robustly.

Since the founding of the Fair Tax Foundation:

– The UK’s headline rate of corporation tax has increased from 19% to 25%, which is higher than in any Scandinavian country. Over the past decade, corporation tax contributions have risen from £41bn to £103bn per year, with the closure of a portion of tax avoidance loopholes a major contributing factor.*

– Our Fair Tax Mark certification was the first in the world to require businesses to publicly break down income, profit and tax in each country they operate (country-by-country reporting). From 2024, this will be a mandatory requirement for all large multinationals operating in the European Union (albeit with some rather large loopholes).

– Countries across the world are coming on board to the idea of a global minimum tax for business, which will spell the end of many 0% tax havens, with plans already well advanced across the EU, the UK, Japan and South Korea.

– A small, but increasing number of investors are waking up to the fact that companies’ ‘tax conduct’ should guide their investments, with the likes of Nest – the UK’s auto enrolment pension scheme – even advocating for investees to pursue Fair Tax Mark certification.

Responsible businesses are proud to pay their fair share of tax and care about what they receive in return. Fair Tax Mark businesses are showing what is possible, leading the way and helping end the global race to the bottom on tax.

Please donate now to support us in this mission.


*Source: Office for National Statistics. Years 2013/14 to 2023/24.

Why get the Fair Tax Mark?

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