Fair Tax Week is a recognition of the businesses and organisations that are proud to promote responsible tax conduct, and a celebration of the positive contribution this makes to society.

Tax is often presented as a burden, but it shouldn’t be – not when considered against the huge array of public services it helps fund. From education, health and social care, to flood defence, roads, policing and defence. Corporation tax also plays a crucial role in holding the whole tax system together, helping to counter financial inequalities and rebalance distorted economies.

Fair Tax Week 2025 (8th – 15th June) is an opportunity for businesses step forward and say what they pay with pride, and UK councils to declare their support for the economic contribution this makes locally.

The week also serves as a platform for others to share their thoughts, and an opportunity to explore the latest data on UK public attitudes to corporate tax conduct.

Please join us to make Fair Tax Week 2025 the biggest and best yet.

What went on during Fair Tax Week 2024:





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