It’s all happening on Fair Tax: our latest news round up
It’s been a busy few weeks here at the Fair Tax Mark, so we thought we’d give you some of our latest highlights.
We were thrilled to welcome Revolver World to the scheme earlier this month. This means you can now buy your coffee from a Fair Tax Mark business. Check out their range online here.
We’ve been out and about telling everyone about the Fair Tax Mark.
Our co-founder Paul Monaghan recently presented at the APPG for Responsible Tax’s great event in Portcullis House. Check out this video short of him explaining how businesses can help build a better tax system.
Our Project Manager Richard Livings got to tell the packed Ecology Building Society’s AGM audience all about the Mark, and to explain what May’s Anti-Corruption Summit meant on fair tax, our Programme Director Emily Kenway was interviewed for NEF’s Weekly Economics Podcast. You may also have caught her at the State of the Economy conference, where she explained how the Fair Tax Mark contributes to a fairer tax system overall.
And for those of you who speak a bit of Italiano, we were profiled by Avvenire, the Italian newspaper read by the Pope no less!
Fair Tax Mark businesses took a stand in the press
As if all that wasn’t enough, a number of our accredited businesses made a public call earlier this month for Prime Minister David Cameron to take a stronger stance on transparency around company ownership. You can read their open letter, published in the Guardian, here.
Remember, to stay posted on all the Fair Tax Mark news, follow us on Twitter @FairTaxMark and sign up here on our website.