Renewable energy generator Energy4All makes Fair Tax Mark commitment on International Day of Cooperatives

Energy4All has today, Saturday 6th July 2019, International Day of Cooperatives and the first day of Fair Tax Week, been certified as a Fair Tax Mark business.

Energy4All is a leading organisation in the development and delivery of community renewable energy schemes across the UK; helping people to benefit from clean, green energy they generate from wind, solar and hydro projects in their local area.

Energy4All works with 25 local community energy co-operatives. Energy4All supports communities to develop innovative renewable energy projects, raise the funds those projects need to go forward, provide high-quality project managers to support the construction process and finally work with directors to help them manage their projects over the long-term. Those community energy co-operatives then go on to become owners of Energy4All.

Mark Luntley, Director, Energy4All, said: “We are very proud to be recognised as a Fair Tax Mark certified business. As part of the co-operative movement we want to ensure that we achieve the highest standards, operating as a responsible business. The Fair Tax Mark allows us to demonstrate that we have been independently assessed and found to have an exemplar approach to tax.

“The theme of the International Day of Cooperatives this year isDecent Work and we think paying the right amount of tax, at the right time and place is key to being a people-centred enterprise. When we’re successful, it’s only right that we contribute towards the vital public services we all rely on.”

The Fair Tax Mark certification scheme was launched in February 2014 to allow businesses that are paying tax in a responsible way to demonstrate this commitment to their customers, suppliers, investors and employees.

Already more than fifty businesses have been certified, including FTSE-listed plcs, co-operatives, social enterprises and large private business – who between them have income of £50bn and over 6,500 offices and outlets. Fair Tax Mark accredited businesses include Lush, Richer Sounds, Timpson Group, Leeds Building Society and the Co-op Group. Their commitment to tax transparency helps consumers understand more about their tax practises and make informed spending decisions.

Paul Monaghan, Chief Executive, Fair Tax Mark said: “We are pleased to announce the Fair Tax Mark certification of Energy4All on the first day of Fair Tax Week 2019 and the International Day of Cooperatives.

“At a time when the public is growing used to headlines about big corporates shifting profits to tax havens and minimising the contributions they make to the public purse, it’s refreshing to see a business that is proud to say what they pay.”

The Fair Tax Mark is calling on the public to ask the organisations they work for, shop with and buy services from to ‘Say what you pay with pride’ during Fair Tax Week, 6-14 July. They are supporting Church Action for Tax Justice to celebrate Tax Justice Sunday (7 July), when people of a variety of faiths come together and recognise those organisations that contribute their fair share of tax.

Paul Monaghan, continued: “It is estimated that £400bn of global corporate profits are shifted annually to tax havens, with corporate tax revenue losses in the UK of approximately £7bn per annum.

“Corporation Tax is too often presented as a burden, but it shouldn’t be. Not when considered against the huge array of public services it helps fund – from education, health and social care, to flood defence, roads and policing. It also plays a crucial role in holding the whole tax system together – helping to counter financial inequalities and rebalance distorted economies.”