Accreditation Manager

We’re on the hunt for a Fair Tax Mark Accreditation Manager to assess and advise our rapidly growing portfolio of business clients

Note: the role has been reviewed since it was orginally posted in February 2019. With the salary range increasing to £32-35K and the person specfications now requiring a ‘qualified accountant or tax professional. Or, significant equivalent practice and experience.’

Application process:

CV and covering letter to be submitted by Friday, 18th April, via [email protected]

Should demonstrate how applicants’ skills and experience make them suitable for the role and link back to the responsibilities and personal specifications set out in the role description. Interviews planned for w/c 1st April.

About the Fair Tax Mark

The Fair Tax Mark certification scheme was launched in February 2014 and seeks to encourage and recognise organisations that pay the right amount of corporation tax at the right time and in the right place. Tax contributions are a key part of the wider social and economic contribution made by business, helping the communities in which they operate to deliver valuable public services and build the infrastructure that paves the way for growth. Some fifty businesses have now been certified, including FTSE-listed plcs, co-operatives, social enterprises and large private business – who between them have income of £50bn and over 6,500 offices and outlets. We operate as a not-for-profit community benefit society and believe that companies paying tax responsibly should be celebrated, and any race to the bottom resisted.

The growing volume of accredited business clients, together with increasing new business enquries, necessitate the recruitment of a full-time Accreditation Manager.

Job Description – Accreditation Manager

The role holder will be expected to lead the assessment of client companies, scoring their annual accounts against the Fair Tax Mark standards (which are available at and providing feedback that enables them to improve policy, reporting and practice.

The role holder should be comfortable working in a small team and dealing with clients that range from large multinationals through to micro-business.

The ideal candidate would be a qualified accountant or tax professional with experience of financial reporting, and alignment with the Fair Tax Mark’s aims and objectives is desirable.

Location: Fair Tax Mark offices, Manchester (here). This is envisaged as an office-based post, although occasional home-working would be accommodated.

The offices of the Fair Tax Mark are upstairs in an accessible building.

Salary and benefits:

Areas of responsibility:

Person specifications: