Multinational Business Standard

Fair Tax Mark now available to multinational enterprises across the world

With the launch of the Global Multinational Business Standard in November 2021, the gold standard of responsible tax conduct is now available to business headquartered outside the UK.

Extensive research and consultation have underpinned the development of the new Standard – and we are deeply grateful for the input and advice received.

There are many reasons to secure the Fair Tax Mark, from standing out in your sector and increasing customer confidence, to reassuring investors and boosting your brand via enhanced CSR and ESG credentials.

The Fair Tax Mark accreditation standards are based on the following principles. A business should:

  • pay the right amount of tax (but no more) in the right place at the right time, according to both the letter and the spirit of the law;
  • readily provide sufficient public information to enable its stakeholders to form a rounded and informed view of its beneficial ownership, tax conduct and financial presence and impacts across the world;
  • say what they pay with pride,


As a not-for-profit social enterprise, we charge a fee for our assessment and accreditation services. Our fees have been benchmarked against comparable ethical accreditation schemes.

Spanish language version

Our Global Multinational Business Standard is also available in Spanish.
Nuestra Norma Global para Empresas Multinacionales ahora está disponible también en español.

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